Actual terms would not describe this breed as pink. Its appearance and characteristics are given below.
Appearance Pink Fluffy French Bulldog:
Pink Fluffy French Bulldogs are actually albino dogs. Which means that along with the the rare gene mutation on LH gene, they also have a type of additional skin mutation that leads to no pigmentation on skin. Their colour of skin is exaggerated through the fur giving them a pale or off white appearance.
Why are they called pink fluffy?
This is because of the albinism. When their skin colour is so light, that their eyes and ears are coated Pink naturally. This pink colour compliments their skin very much. Hence the name, Pink Fluffy French Bulldog. This pink colour in a few areas is bright so overall appearance of the skin becomes pink.
Read More: Uncover the Top 18 Types of a Fluffy French Bulldog:
Popularity and Price:
These dogs are not so easily located as this is even a rarer things to have LH mutation dog and on top of which is one with a skin alteration. Their price range is from 6000$ to 12000$.
Given the mutations, these dogs are much prone to the many other skin conditions like infections and cancers. There exist a medical and clinical relation with the skin colour and it exposure to sun that can lead to Skin cancers. More about fluffy french bulldog health issues.
Read More: All about Fluffy French Bulldog